TIES 2020 Virtual Conference
Frontiers in Statistics, Epidemiology and the Environment
December 2-4, 2020
Day 1 (Wednesday Dec 02): 10:00 am – 02:20 pm*:
- 10:00 am – 10:10 am: Welcome address (Lelys Bravo de Guenni, TIES President)
- 10:10 am – 10:50 am: Keynote speech: Elaine Nsoesie (Boston University, USA): Integrating Disparate Data for Disease Surveillance (Chair: Yulia Gel, University of Texas Dallas, USA)
- 10:50 am – 12:30 pm: Session 1: Challenges in Modeling COVID-19 related issues (Chair: Marta Blangiardo, Imperial College, London)
- 10:50 am – 11:10 am: Garyfallos Constantinoudis (Imperial College, UK): Long-term exposure to air-pollution and COVID-19 mortality in England: a hierarchical spatial analysis
- 11:10 am – 11:30 am: Chae Young Lim (Seoul National University, South Korea): A spatio-temporal analysis of the exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States
- 11:30 am – 11:50 am: Bohai Zhang (Nankai University, China): Bayesian clustering of spatial functional data based on random spanning trees
- 11:50 am – 12:10 pm: Raphaël Huser (KAUST, Saudi Arabia): Tractable Bayes of multivariate skew-normal link models for correlated binary responses, applied to COVID-19 pandemic data
- 12:10 pm – 12:30 pm: Janine Illian (University of Glasgow, Scotland): The corona crisis in Glasgow - a statistician’s perspective
- 12:30 pm – 12:50 pm: Welcome to TIES: TIES membership Committee.
- 12:50 pm – 01:50 pm: Session 2: Environmental Monitoring and Change Detection (Chair: Leticia Ramirez, CIMAT, Mexico)
- 12:50 pm – 01:10 pm: Nicolas Bousquet (La Sorbonne University, France): Online alert systems against rare events affecting devices interacting with the environment: machine learning vs vine copulas-based approaches
- 01:10 pm – 01:30 pm: Craig Alexander (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Creating a Digital Environment – Developing the Digitally Enabled Environment to Understand Long Term Environmental Change
- 01:30 pm – 01:50 pm: Andrew Zammit-Mangion (University of Wollongong, Australia): Statistical Machine Learning for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting
- 01:50 pm – 02:20 pm: Round Table Discussion 1: Data Science and Environmental Problems: Alexandra Schmidt (Chair), (McGill University, Canada), Amanda Hering (Baylor University, USA) and Jennifer Hoeting (Colorado State University, USA).
Day 2 (Thursday Dec 03): 10:00 am – 02:10 pm*:
- 10:00 am – 10:40 am: Keynote speech: Bo Li (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA): HIV prediction and its related issues (Chair: Lelys Bravo de Guenni, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- 10:40 am – 12:00 pm: Session 3: Human Health and Environmental Factors (Celebrating Women in Statistics and the Environment) (Chair: Carolina Euan, CIMAT, Mexico)
- 10:40 am – 11:00 am: Alexandra Schmidt (McGill University, Canada): A Poisson-multinomial spatial model for the number of cases of vector-borne diseases in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 11:00 am – 11:20 am: Leticia Ramirez (CIMAT, Mexico): Modeling the interplay between allostatic load and the occurrence of adverse life experiences
- 11:20 am – 11:40 am: Sophie Ancelet (IRNS, France): Accounting for highly correlated environmental exposures and a censored disease outcome with a Bayesian profile regression mixture model. First application in ionizing radiation epidemiology
- 11:40 am – 12:00 pm: Michela Cameletti (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy): The Covid-19 pandemic: impact on air-pollution, health and mortality
- 12:00 pm- 01:00 pm: Session 4: Topological Data Analysis for Bio-surveillance (Chair: Yulia Gel, University of Texas Dallas, USA)
- 12:00 pm – 12:20 pm: Marwah Soliman (Clemson University, USA): Ensemble Forecasting of the Zika Space-Time Spread with Topological Data Analysis
- 12:20 pm – 12:40 pm: Ismar Volic (Wellesley College, USA): Topological data analysis and the spread of COVID-19
- 12:40 pm – 01:00 pm: Ignacio Segovia Dominguez (University of Texas Dallas, USA): Topological and geometric methods for COVID-19 tracking
- 01:00 pm – 01:40 pm: Students’ presentations
- 01:40 pm – 02:10 pm: Round Table Discussion 2: Career path on Statistics and the Environment: Ashley Steel (Chair) (FAO, Italy), Megan Higgs (Critical Inference) and Peter Guttorp (Emeritus Professor at University of Washington)
Day 3 (Friday Dec 04): 10:00 am – 02:00 pm*:
- 10:00 am – 10:40 am: Keynote speech: Huykio Lee (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA): Multi-resolution investigation of smoke observations: the value added by datasets at high spatial resolutions (Chair: Yulia Gel, University of Texas Dallas, USA)
- 10:40 am – 12:00 pm: Session 5: Fresh Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis (Chair: Claire Miller, University of Glasgow, UK)
- 10:40 am – 11:00 am: Craig Wilkie (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Spatiotemporal statistical modelling of water quality within river networks
- 11:00 am – 11:20 am: Sylvia Esterby (University of British Columbia, Canada): A perspective on water quality monitoring and assessment from 1972 to 2020
- 11:20 am – 11:40 am: Abdel El-Shaarawi (Cairo University, Egypt): Pollution load estimation between an upstream and downstream locations in a river
- 11:40 pm – 12:00 pm: Guillaume Blanchet (UniversiteĢ de Sherbrooke, Canada): Modelling the effect of directional spatial ecological processes for a river network in Northern Italy
- 12:00 pm – 01:20 pm: Session 6: Modelling Physical and Ecological Changes (Chair: Lelys Bravo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- 12:00 pm – 12:20 pm: Philip White (Brigham Young University, USA): A Model for Antarctic Surface Mass Balance and Ice Core Site Selection
- 12:20 pm – 12:40 pm: Carolina Euan (CIMAT, Mexico): Statistical Analysis of Multi-day Solar Irradiance using a Threshold Time Series model
- 12:40 pm – 01:00 pm: Gianluca Mastrantonio (Politécnico di Torino, Italy): Modelling animal movement with directional persistence and attractive points
- 01:00 pm – 01:20 pm: Orietta Nicolis (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile): A deep learning approach for the analysis and prediction of spatio-temporal data
- 01:20 pm – 01:50 pm: Round Table Discussion 3: Challenges in Data, Models and Prediction in the COVID-19 context: Elena Naumova (Chair) (Tuft University, USA), Francesca Dominici (Harvard University, USA), Kevin Lane (Boston University, USA), Debra Boka (University of California Irvine, USA),
- 01:50 pm – 02:00 pm: Conference Closing Remarks: Lelys Bravo de Guenni (TIES President)
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